Riley JL, Haff TM, Ryeland J, Drinkwater E, Umbers KDL (2023) The protective value of the colour and shape of mountain katydid's antipredator defence. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36: 992-1002.
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Wagener C, Baider C, Florens FBV, Kowalski P, Campbell M, and Measey J. (2022) Island hopping through urban filters: Anthropogenic habitats and colonized landscapes alter morphological and performance traits of an invasive amphibian. Animals, 12: 2549.
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL (2022) First report of Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) on Newfoundland. The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 136: 5-9.
Raynal RS, Schwanz LE, Riley JL, Umbers KDL (2022) Genetic and environmental drivers of colour and pattern in the Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, doi: 10.1111/jeb.14066
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL (2022) Urban avifauna diversity in Stellenbosch, South Africa, during the COVID-19 lockdown and observations of inner-city foraging behaviour. Biodiversity Observations, 12: 65-70.
Schwanz LE, Gunderson A, Iglesias-Carrasco M, Johnson MA, Kong JD, Riley JL, Wu NC (2022) Best practice for building and curating databases for comparative analyses. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225: jeb243295.
Raynal RS, Noble DWA, Riley JL, Senior AM, Warner DA, While GM, Schwanz LE (2022) Impact of fluctuating developmental temperatures on phenotypic traits in reptiles: a meta-analysis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225: jeb243369.
Mühlenhaupt M, Baxter-Gilbert J, Makhubo BG, Riley JL, Measey J (2022) No evidence for innate differences in tadpole behavior between natural, urbanized, and invasive populations. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76: 11
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert J, Whiting MJ, Cherry M (2022) Partitioned parturition: Birthing asynchrony in cordylid lizards. Journal of Zoology, 316: 263-270.
Riley JL, Noble DWA, Stow AJ, Bolton PE, While GM, Dennison S, Byrne RW, Whiting MJ (2021) Socioecology of the Australian Tree Skink (Egernia striolata). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.722455
Mühlenhaupt M, Baxter-Gilbert J, Makhubo BG, Riley JL, Measey J (2021) Growing up in a new world: trait divergence between rural, urban, and invasive populations of an amphibian urban invader. Neobiota, 69: 103-132
Riley JL, Stow A, Bolton PE, Dennison S, Byrne R, Whiting MJ (2021) Sperm storage in a family-living lizard, the Tree Skink. Journal of Heredity, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esab048
Van Dyke JU, Thompson MB, Burrudge CP, Castelli MA, Clulow S, Dissanayake DSB, Dong CM, Doody JS, Edwards DL, Ezaz T, Friesen CR, Gardner MG, Georges A, Higgie M, Hill PL, Holleley CE, Hoops D, Hoskin CJ, Merry DL, Riley JL, Wapstra E, While GM, Whiteley SL, Whiting MJ, Zozaya SM, Whittington CM (2021) Australian lizards are outstanding models for reproductive biology research. Australian Journal of Zoology, 86: 168-199
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Measey J (2021) Fortune favors the bold toad: urban-derived behavioral traits may provide advantages for invasive amphibians populations. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75: 130
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Frère CH, Whiting MJ (2021) Shrinking into the big city: influence of genetic and environmental factors on urban dragon lizard morphology and performance capacity. Urban Ecosystems, 24: 661-674
Chapple DG, Roll U, Böhm M,... Riley JL,... Tingley R, Meiri S (2021) Conservation status of the world's skinks (Scincidae): taxonomic and geographic patterns in extinction risk. Biological Conservation, 257: 109101
van Blerk D, Reissig J, Riley JL, Measey J, Baxter-Gilbert J (2021) Observations of infanticide and cannabalism in four species of cordylid lizard (Squamata: Cordylidae) in captivity and the wild. Herpetology Notes, 14: 725-729.
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert J, Whiting MJ (2021) Social and spatial patterns of two Afromontane crag lizards (Pseudocordylus spp.) in the Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa. Austral Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.13030
Baxter-Gilbert J, Baider C, Florens FBV, Hawlitschek O, Mohan AV, Mohanty NP, Wagener C, Webster KC, Riley JL (2021) Nocturnal foraging and activity by diurnal lizards: six species of day geckos (Phelsuma spp.) using the night-light niche. Austral Ecology, https://doi.org/10.1111/aec.13012
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Wagener C, Mohanty NP, Measey J (2020) Shrinking before our isles: the rapid expression of insular dwarfism in two invasive populations of guttural toad (Scleophrys gutturalis). Biology Letters, 16: 20200651
Damas-Moreira I, Riley JL, Carretero MA, Harris DJ, Whiting MJ (2020) Getting ahead: exploitative competition by an invasive lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 1-12
Mehta D, Bediako Y, de Winde CM, Ebrahimi H, Fernández-Chiappe F, Ilangovan V, Paz Quezada C, Riley JL, Salami SM, Tay A, Weissgerber T (2020) Research communication: ways to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion. eLife, 9: e60438
Riley JL, Hudson S, Frenette-Ling C, Davy CM (2020) All together now! Disentangling the mechanisms of hatchling synchrony in freshwater turtles. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74: 58
Weissgerber T, Bediako Y, de Winde CM, Ebrahimi H, Fernández-Chiappe F, Ilangovan V, Mehta D, Paz Quezada C, Riley JL, Salami SM, Sarabipour S, Tay A (2020) Mitigating the impact of conference and travel cancellations on researchers’ futures. eLife, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.57032
Baxter-Gilbert J, Ocock J, Perez Martinez CA, Riley JL (2020) Fejervarya cancrivora (Crab-eating Frog). Dunging. Herpetological Review, 51: 97-98
Perez Martinez CA, Riley JL, Whiting MJ (2019) Uncovering the function of an enigmatic display: antipredator behaviour in the iconic Australian frillneck lizard. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 129: 425-438
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL (2019) Leopard tortoise (Stigmochelys pardalis) road mortality and extralimital occurrence in Western Cape, South Africa. Biodiversity Observations, 10: 1-4
Umbers KDL, Riley JL, Kelly M, Taylor-Dalton G, Lawrence JP, Byrne P (2019) Educating the enemy: harnessing learned avoidance behaviour in wild predators to increase survival of reintroduced Southern Corroboree Frogs. Conservation Science and Practice, https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.139
Paterson JE, Baxter-Gilbert JH, Beaudry F, Carstairs S, Chow-Fraser P, Edge CB, Lentini AM, Litzgus JD, Markle CE, McKeown K, Moore JA, Refsnider JM, Riley JL, Rouse JD, Seburn DC, Zimmerling JR, Davy CM (2019) Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 9794-9803
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Whiting MJ (2019) Bold new world: urbanization promotes an innate behavioural trait in a lizard. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 73: 105
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Parsons J, Bostock C, Riley JL (2019) Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta) predation on an Augrabies flat lizard (Platysaurus broadleyi). The Herpetological Bulletin, 148: 37-38
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL (2019) Platysaurus broadleyi (Augrabies Flat Lizard). Heterospecific coprophagy. Herpetological Review, 50: 376
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert JH (2019) Cordylus macropholis (Large-Scaled Girdled Lizard). Avian Predation. Herpetological Review, 50: 371-372
Damas-Moreria I, Riley JL, Harris DJ, Whiting MJ (2019) Can behaviour explain invasion success? A comparison between sympatric invasive and native reptiles. Animal Behaviour, 151: 195-202
Valenzuela N, Literman R, Neuwald J, Mizoguchi B, Iverson JB, Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2019) Extreme thermal fluctuations from climate change unexpectantly accelerate demographic collapse of vertebrates with temperature-dependent sex determination. Scientific Reports, 9: 4254.
Damas-Moreira I, Oliveira D, Santos JL, Riley JL, Harris DJ, Whiting MJ (2018) Learning from others: an invasive lizard uses social information from both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Biology Letters, 14: 20180532.
Webster C, Massaro M, Michael DR, Riley JL, Nimmo DG (2018) Native reptiles alter their foraging in the presence of the olfactory cues of invasive mammalian predators. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 180136.
Goulet C, Michelangeli M, Chung M, Riley JL, Wong BBM, Thompson MB, Chapple DG (2018) Cognition and thermal physiology as components of the pace-of-life syndrome. Evolutionary Ecology, 32: 469-488
Noble DN, Stenhouse V, Riley JL, Warner DA, While GM, Du W-G, Uller T, Schwanz LE (2018) Towards a comprehensive database of thermal developmental plasticity in reptiles. Scientific Data, 5: 180138
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Whiting MJ (2018) Runner and fighters: clutch effect and body size drive innate anti-predator behaviour in hatchling lizards. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 97
While GM, Noble DWA, Uller T, Warner D, Riley JL, Du WG, Schwanz LE (2018) Patterns of developmental plasticity in response to incubation temperature in reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology, 329: 162-176
Whiting MJ, F Xu, Kar F, Riley JL, Bryne R, Noble DWA (2018) Evidence for social learning in a family living lizard. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 70
Riley JL, Küchler A, Damasio T, Noble DWA, Bryne R, Whiting MJ (2018) Learning ability is unaffected by isolation rearing in a family-living lizard. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 72: 20
Riley JL, Côme G, Fryns C, Mourier J, Leu ST, Noble DWA, Bryne R, Whiting MJ (2018) Isolation rearing does not constrain social plasticity in a family-living lizard. Behavioral Ecology, 29: 563-573
Riley JL, Noble DWA, Bryne R, Whiting MJ (2017) Early social environment influence the behaviour of a family-living lizard. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 615-624
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert JH, Litzgus JD (2017) A comparison of three external transmitter attachment methods for snakes. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 41: 132-139
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert JH, Mayberry HW, Willis CKR (2017) Davy CM, Mastromonaco GF, Conservation implications of physiological carry-over effects in bats recovering from white-nose syndrome. Conservation Biology, 31: 615-624
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Boyle S, Lesbarrères D, Litzgus JD (2017) Turning the threat into a solution: using roadways to survey cryptic species and to identify locations for conservation. Australian Journal of Zoology, 66: 50-56
Riley JL, Noble DWA, Bryne R, Whiting MJ (2016) Does social environment influence learning ability in a family-living lizards? Animal Cognition, 20: 449-458
Riley JL, Baxter-Gilbert JH, Guglielmo CG, Litzgus JD (2016) Scanning snakes to measure condition: a validation of quantitative magnetic resonance. Journal of Herpetology, 50: 627-632.
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL (2015) Intellagama lesuerii lesuerii (Eastern Water Dragon). Trifid tail. Herpetological Review, 46: 433-434
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Neufeld C, Lesbarrères D, Litzgus JD (2015) Road mortality responsible for billions for pollinating insect deaths annually. Journal of Insect Conservation, 19: 1029-1035
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Lesbarrères D, Litzgus JD (2015) Mitigating reptile road mortality: fence failures compromise ecopassage effectiveness. PLOS ONE, 10: e0120537
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Moldowan PD, Litzgus JD (2015) Sistrurus catenatus catenatus (Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake) and Nerodia sipedon sipedon (Northern Watersnake). Diet and foreign object. Herpetological Review, 46: 107
Riley JL, Freedberg S, Litzgus JD (2015) Incubation temperature in the wild influences hatchling phenotype of two freshwater turtles. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 16: 397-416
Riley JL, Tattersall GJ, Litzgus JD (2014) Potential sources of intra-population variation in painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) hatchling overwintering strategy. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217: 4174-4183
Lovich JE, Ernst CH, Ernst EM, Riley JL (2014) A 21 year study of seasonal and interspecific variation of hatchling emergence in a Nearctic freshwater turtle community: to overwinter or not to overwinter? Herpetological Monographs, 28: 93-109
Baxter-Gilbert JH, Riley JL, Lesbarrères D, Litzgus JD (2014) A novel technique to measure chronic levels of corticosterone in turtles living around a major roadway. Conservation Physiology, 2: 1-9
Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2014) Cues used by predators to detect freshwater turtle nests persist late into incubation. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 128: 179-188
Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2013) Evaluation of predator-exclusion cages used in turtle conservation: cost-analysis, and effects on nest environment and proxies of hatchling fitness. Wildlife Research, 40: 499-511
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2013) Plestiodon fasciatus (Five-lined Skink). Artificial habitat use. Herpetological Review, 44: 680-681
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2013) Sistrurus catenatus catenatus (Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake). Diet. Herpetological Review, 44: 526-527
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2013) Chrysemys picta marginata (Midland Painted Turtle). Avian predation. Herpetological Review, 44: 302-303
Baxter-Gilbert J, Riley JL, Litzgus JD (2013) Chrysemys picta marginata (Midland Painted Turtle) and Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle). Hatchling mortality. Herpetological Review, 44: 303-304
Riley JL, Paterson JE, Litzgus JD (2012) Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle). Largest clutch size. Herpetological Review, 43: 326.
Riley JL, Keevil M, Moldowan P, Litzgus JD (2011) Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle). Record egg size. Herpetological Review, 42: 417-418
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