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  • Julia RIley

Investigating the Tantramar Turtle Void

A young Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) on a sandy bank (photo credit: Julia Riley).

This summer, a few lab alumni are trying to solve a curious mystery in the Town of Tantramar - there doesn't seem to be many turtle sightings in the region! Is this a historical phenomenon? Is this a gap in Snapping and Painted Turtle's ranges? Or, have turtles gone un-noticed for a long time?

In collaboration with Dr. James Baxter-Gilbert, Issac and Alexia will be searching for turtles locally and also talking to community members about their recollections of turtles in the area. The search is on!

Both researchers were recently interviewed for our local radio station CHMAFM where they told folks what they were up to. Check it out here:


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